Workshop and Conference Presentations

Reimagining Physics with ATLAS
US ATLAS Analysis Tutorial, SLAC, Oct. 2024.

Reimagining Physics with ATLAS
US ATLAS Analysis Tutorial, SLAC, Oct. 2023.

Unfolding: Machine Learning Approaches
NuXtract, CERN (hybrid), Oct. 2023.

Using unbinned measurements for new physics
(Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics, Durham (hybrid), Aug. 2023.

ML-assisted measurements of lepton-jet asymmetries in DIS @ H1
EPS HEP, DESY (hybrid), Aug. 2023.

Machine Learning for Precision Physics at the LHC
LoopFest, SLAC, June 2023.

Range of Machine Learning methods in Particle Physics
PhyStat-2samples, CERN (virtual), June 2023.

Modern jet physics with AI
LHeC/FCCeh and PERLE Workshop, Orsay (hybrid), Oct. 2022.

Differentiable Simulations
AI4EIC, William and Marry (hybrid), Oct. 2022.

AI-driven detector design for the EIC
AI4EIC, William and Marry (hybrid), Oct. 2022.

Overview of Machine Learning for Particle Physics
US ATLAS ML Training Event, LBNL (hybrid), July 2022.

Simulations of Silicon Radiation Detectors for HEP Experiments
Snowmass CSS, Seattle (virtual), July 2022.

Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning
QUC Summer School at KIAS, Korea (virtual), July 2022.

Uncertainty Quantification for Machine Learning Applied to Data Analysis
EIC Software: AI WG Meeting, virtual (BNL), June 2022.

Jet Measurements at the HL-EIC
High-Luminosity EIC, virtual (BNL), June 2022.

Overview of Classical Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning for HEP, virtual (BNL), June 2022.

QCD, jets and substructure
Third HEP Graduate Workshop, virtual (Algeria), May 2022.

Landscape of model independent searches
PHYSTAT-Anomalies, virtual (CERN), May 2022.

New Approaches to Quantum Error Mitigation
The Fifth Annual Southeast Quantum Computing Workshop, virtual (Georgia), May 2022.

New developments in anomaly detection with machine learning
LHCP, virtual (Taiwan), May 2022.

Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics
Cray User Group (CUG), Monterray, May 2022.

Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning
APS April Meeting, hybrid (NYC), April 2022.

Jet substructure experiment overview: new ideas and measurements
Flowing into the future: Particle Jets in Quantum Field Theory and Phenomenology, hybrid (Stony Brook University), March 2022.

Machine Learning for hadronic final state reconstruction
STAR Collaboration Week, virtual, Feb. 2022.

Application of Machine Learning to Event Reconstruction and Analysis
IAS Program on High Energy Physics, virtual (Hong Kong), Jan. 2022.

H1 lepton-jet correlations and ML unfolding
Lepton Photon, virtual (London), Jan. 2022.

Machine Learning for Collider Event Reconstruction and Analysis
CEPC2021, virtual (Beijing), Nov. 2021.

H1 lepton-jet correlations and ML unfolding
MPI@LHC, hybrid (Lisbon), October 2021.

H1 lepton-jet correlations and ML unfolding
QCD Structure of the Nucleon, hybrid (Madrid), October 2021.

New results on probing limitations of collinear QCD in lepton-jet correlations
Low-x, hybrid (Elba), September 2021.

H1 lepton-jet correlations and ML unfolding
Workhop on jets for 3D imaging at the EIC, hybrid (Stonybrook), September 2021.

New anomaly detection techniques
ATLAS Exotic Physics Workshop, virtual, September 2021.

Experimental studies of energy correlators and spin effects at the LHC
EF05 Snowmass Topical Group Meeting, virtual, September 2021.

High-dimensional Anomaly Detection with Radiative Return in e+e- Collisions
FCC physics meeting, virtual, September 2021.

Computational Frontier at Snowmass Day 2021
Snowmass Day, virtual, September 2021.

Quantum Computing Progress
QuantISED Collaboration Meeting, virtual, September 2021.

Machine Learning for jet reconstruction
AI4EIC, virtual, September 2021.

Generative ML applications for simulations in colliders
AI4EIC, virtual, September 2021.

Machine Learning Overview
Snowmass Energy Frontier Restart Workshop, virtual, September 2021.

Learning from Many Collider Events at Once
CMS ML Town Hall, virtual, July 2021.

Jet-based TMD measurements with H1 data
EPS-HEP, virtual, July 2021.

Searches for exotic decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
EPS-HEP, virtual, July 2021.

Hadronic jets & machine learning in the exploration of sub-nuclear length scales
EPS-HEP, virtual, July 2021.

Modern techniques for jet reconstruction
ILC Working Group 3 Open Physics Meeting, virtual, July 2021.

Jet-based TMD measurements with H1 data
International Symposium on Multi-particle Dynamics (ISMD), virtual, July 2021.

New Physics from Precision at High Energy
LISHEP, virtual, July 2021.

Unbinned differential cross section measurements: towards a common format
Les Houches PhysTeV, virtual, June 2021.

Recent progress in ML applications for LHC phenomenology
Les Houches PhysTeV, virtual, June 2021.

Jet substructure measurements with CMS and ATLAS
CERN-TH workshop: Jets and their substructure from LHC data, virtual, June 2021.

The LHC Olympics: A Community Challenge for Anomaly Detection in High Energy Physics
APS April Meeting, virtual, April 2021.

Precision jet substructure and machine learning for jets
DIS Conference, virtual, April 2021.

Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning
PIT PACC: LHC physics for Run 3, virtual, April 2021.

The LHC Olympics 2020: A Community Challenge for Anomaly Detection in High Energy Physics
LHC Reinterpretation Workshop, virtual, Feb. 2021.

High dimensional jet measurements (at the EIC)
EIC opportunities for Snowmass, virtual, Jan. 2021.

Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning
Hong Kong IAS Program on High Energy Physics, virtual, Jan. 2021.

Neural Positive Reweighting
HSF 2020, virtual, Nov. 2020.

Less than Supervised Learning for Fundamental Physics Discoveries
Percieve 2020, virtual, Oct. 2020.

The Computational Challenge of Anomaly Detection
Accelerated AI for Big-Data Experiments, virtual, Oct. 2020.

Status of the Yellow Report of the V+Jets Subgroup
LHC EW WG General Meeting, virtual, Oct. 2020.

Machine Learning: Gains & Pitfalls for ttH
ATLAS Higgs + Top quarks Workshop, virtual, Oct. 2020.

Computational Frontier Introduction
Snowmass Community Planning Meting, virtual, Oct. 2020.

Top tagging and machine learning Overview and future prospects
Top2012, virtual (due to Covid-19), September 2020.

Snowmass Panel
53rd Annual Fermilab Users Meeting, virtual (due to Covid-19), Aug. 2020.

Workshop Welcome
Snowmass Computational Frontier Workshop, virtual (due to Covid-19), August 2020.

Measurements using all available information with OmniFold
DANCE ML, virtual (due to Covid-19), August 2020.

Modeling Radiation Damage to Pixel Sensors in the ATLAS Detector
ICHEP 2020, virtual (due to Covid-19), July 2020.

Precision QCD studies with jet substructure
Jet Observables at the Electron-Ion Collider, virtual (due to Covid-19), July 2020.

Jet substructure for Snowmass 2021
BOOST 2020, virtual (due to Covid-19), July 2020.

Interpretability and reliance on simulation
LHCP 2020, Paris, May 2020 (virtual due to Covid-19).

Panel Discussion - Good science and social good
Fundamental Science in the AI Era, ICLR 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2020 (virtual due to Covid-19).

Simulation-based and model-free learning for particle physics
Fundamental Science in the AI Era, ICLR 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2020 (virtual due to Covid-19).

Extracting the most from collider data with deep learning
Prospecting for New Physics through Flavor, Dark Matter, and Machine Learning, Aspen, March, 2020. Cancelled due to Covid-19.

Extracting the most from collider data with deep learning
Machine Learning at LHC, Nagoya, Feb. 2020.

Recent ATLAS inclusive-jet and heavy-flavor-jet measurements
Santa Fe Jets, Santa Fe, Feb. 2020.

ATLAS pixel detector radiation damage monitoring and modeling status report
RD50 meeting, CERN, Nov. 2019.

Deep learning for LHC classification, regression, generation, and beyond
Dark-matter and Neutrino Computation Explored, RICE, Oct. 2019.

Jet substructure in Run 3/4: experimental point of view
West Coast LHC Jamboree, SLAC, Oct. 2019.

Likelihood free generative modeling for high energy physics
IPAM, UCLA, From Passive to Active: Generative and Reinforcement Learning with Physics, September, 2019.

Investigating the use of Quantum Computers for Final State Radiation
MIT, Boston, USA, July 2019.

Jets at Les Houches 2019: Four decades of gluons
Les Houches, France, June 2019.

Particle Physics in Real Time
Real-Time Decision Making Reunion, Berkeley, June 2019.

Reducing simulation dependence with deep learning
Physics in ML, Berkeley, May 2019.

Machine Learning for Long-lived Particle Searches
Fifth workshop of the LHC LLP Community, CERN, May 2019.

Physics projections from ATLAS and CMS with upgraded detectors
LHCP 2019, Puebla, Mexico, May 2019.

Gluon splitting with small opening angles at ATLAS
CMS Flavor tagging workshop, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2019.

Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Field Theory
Emerging Opportunities in Quantum Machine Learning & Quantum Algorithms, SLAC, Feb. 2019.

Pixel modules tests at ESTB for the ATLAS high-lumi upgrade
Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop, CERN, January 2019.

Radiation Damage Monitoring and Modeling with Full Detector Systems at the LHC
RD50 Meeting, CERN, November 2018.

New physics opportunities in the ALICE/L3 cavern for LHC Run 5
Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC: Fourth workshop of the LHC LLP Community, Amsterdam, October 2018.

Learning to Classify from Impure Samples with High-Dimensional Data
New techniques in particle reconstruction for VBS, Krakow, October 2018,

Applications and Challenges of Machine Learning for High Energy Physics
Machine Learning for Science, LBNL, September 2018.

Deep Learning with the Largest Scientific Dataset: Modern Machine Learning for High Energy Physics
Data Science Workshop, LLNL, August 2018.

Advances in jet substructure for precision physics and QCD and Learning to Classify from Impure Samples with High-Dimensional Data
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction & Searches in HEP (BOOST2018), Paris, July 2018.

Prospects for Higgs to Invisible
Workshop on the physics of HL-LHC, and perspectives at HE-LHC, CERN, June 2018.

Overview of the sensor simulation session at the LHC inter-experiment workshop
RD50 workshop, Hamburg, June 2018.

Standard Model and Higgs Measurements at the LHC
Pheno 2018, Pittsburgh, May 2018.

Technological imitations for analysis of the biggest scientific dataset: Particle physics at the Large Hadron Collider
XLDB 2018, Stanford, May 2018,

Pixel Simulation in the ATLAS Monte Carlo Framework
Radiation Effects at the LHC Experiments and Impact on Operation and Performance, CERN, April 2018.

Introduction to Machine Learning for Physics
Machine Learning for Phenomenology, IPPP Durham, April 2018.

Accelerating HEP Inference with Deep Neural Networks
Joint WLCG & HSF Workshop, Napoli, March 2018.

Splitting Strip Detector Clusters in Dense Environments
Connecting the Dots, Seattle, March, 2018.

Accelerating Data Collection and Processing at the Large Hadron Collider
Simons Institute Real Time Decision Making Program Applications in the Natural Sciences and Physical Systems Workshop, Berkeley, February, 2018.

Machine Learning for Jet Physics
CMS Standard Model Physics Jets Annual Workshop, CERN, January, 2018.

Angular correlations in ttbar and single top at ATLAS
Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier, Fermilab, January 2018.

Jet Measurements in pp collisions
JETSCAPE Workshop, LBNL, January 2018.

Modeling Pixel Sensor Radiation Damage in ATLAS
LHC-experiment radiation damage workshop, CERN, November 2017.

Status & challenges for tracking during the '17-'18 LHC run
ATLAS Joint Flavour Tagging and Hbb Workshop, Stony Brook, September 2017.

Deep Learning usage by large experiments
18th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT), Seattle, August 2017.

Modeling Radiation Damage to Pixel Sensors in the ATLAS Detector and Deep Neural Networks for HEP Images
APS-DPF, Fermilab, July 2017.

GAN Applications in High Energy Particle Physics
Hammers & Nails - Machine Learning & HEP, Tel Aviv, July 2017.

Generative Adversarial Networks for Jet Simulation
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction & Searches in HEP (BOOST2017), Buffalo, July 2017.

Pixel readout chip for the HL-LHC
2017 Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders, SLAC, June 2017.

Collectivity observables in high-Q2 probes
Collective effects in small collisions systems, CERN, June 2017.

Jet and photon measurements with ATLAS
LHCP 2017, Shanghai, May 2017.

Machine Learning in Particle Physics
MC4BSM 2017, SLAC, May 2017.

The Jet Image
Data Science @ HEP 2017, Fermilab, May 2017.

Search strategy using LHC pileup interactions as a zero bias trigger
Searches for long-lived particles at the LHC: Workshop of the LHC LLP Community, CERN; ATLAS long-lived particle trigger workshop (open session), LBNL, April 2017.

Optimal use of charge information for HL-LHC pixel readout
CTD/WIT17, Paris, March 2017.

Quark versus Gluon jet tagging at the LHC
PITT PACC Workshop: Digging Deeper at LHC Run II, Pittsburgh, February 2017.

Grand challenges in jets and jet substructure
ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum, SLAC, December 2016.

Gluon splitting to bottom quarks at the LHC
Parton radiation and fragmentation from LHC to FCC-ee workshop, CERN, November 2016.

Tracking Performance versus Charge (ToT) Precision
RD53 Workshop, CPPM, Marseille, November 2016.

The charged-particle multiplicity inside jets at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector and Jet Images with Deep Learning
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction & Searches in HEP (BOOST2016), Zurich, July 2016.

Supersymmetry Monte Carlo and Formats for Reporting Results
ATLAS-CMS Monte Carlo Generators Workshop, CERN, January 2016.

Tracking Performance for Jets, b-tagging, and MET
ATLAS Tracking Combined Performance Group Workshop, Chamonix, December 2015.

ATLAS and CMS Top Quark Simulations
LHC TOP WG meeting, CERN, November 2015.

Machine learning, computer vision, and probabilistic models in jet physics
Data Science @ LHC 2015, CERN, November 2015.

Jet Charge and Jet Pull in ATLAS
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction & Searches in HEP (BOOST2015), Chicago, August 2015.

Recent Jet Substructure Results from the LHC
(on behalf of ATLAS and CMS), APS-DPF, August 2015.

Jets from Jets and Fuzzy Jets
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction & Searches in HEP (BOOST2014), London, August 2014.

Boosted Boson Tagging: The ATLAS Perspective
Boosted Boson Tagging Workshop, CERN, March 2014.

Jet Charge and Jet Pull Performance
Boston Jets Workshop 2014 (MIT), January 22, 2014.

Monte Carlo Re-weighting in the ATLAS SUSY group
US ATLAS Workshop on LHC Searches, LBNL, January 2014.

Jet Substructure with the 2012 Data
ATLAS Standard Model Workshop, Harvard, September 2014.