Organization of Workshops and Conferences

Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences
NeurIPS 2024 (hybrid).

FAIR Universe – The Challenge of Handling Uncertainties in Fundamental Science
NeurIPS 2024 (hybrid).

Statistics Meets ML
London, September 2024.

Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics School
LBNL, Aug. 2024.

France-Berkeley PHYSTAT Conference on Unfolding
Paris, June 2024.

Future Circular Colliders (FCC) Week
San Francisco, June 2024.

Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences
NeurIPS 2023 (hybrid).

BOOST 2023
August 2023, Berkeley.
Co-chairs: Robin Erbacher and Aaron Angerami.

US ATLAS ML Training Event
LBNL (hybrid), July 2023.

CERN (virtual), June 2023.

Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences
NeurIPS 2022 (hybrid).

Experiment/Theory Connections at AI4EIC
William and Marry (hybrid), Oct. 2022.
Co-organizers: M. Diefenthaler, J. Williams, P. Zurita

US ATLAS ML Training Event
LBNL (hybrid), July 2022.

Snowmass Community Summer Study
Seattle (hybrid), July 2022.

CERN (virtual), May 2022.

Quantum Error Mitigation for Particle and Nuclear Physics
University of Washington (hybrid), May 2022.

Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences
NeurIPS 2021 (virtual).

Anomaly Detection for Scientific Discovery
Seminar Series 2021-2022 (virtual).

Software and Computing for Small HEP Experiments
November 2021 (virtual).

Accelerator and Detector Control Session, AI4EIC
September 2021 (virtual).
Co-organizer: Thomas Britton.

ML4Jets 2021
July 2021, Heidelberg (hybrid).

Structure function and parton densities session at DIS2020(1)
March 2020, NYC (rescheduled to 2021 virtual due to Covid 19).
Co-organizers: M. Zurita and K. Wichmann.

Berkeley Deep Generative Models for Fundamental Physics Meeting
March 2021, Virtual (Berkeley Institute for Data Science).
Co-organizers: E. Abrahms, V. Boehm, A. Ghosh, Y-S. Lai, M. Mustafa, G. Puglisi

New Physics from Precision at High Energies
Spring 2021, Santa Barbara.
Co-organizers: S. Gori, M. Nojiri, J. Ruderman, G. Salam, G. Zanderighi.

Jet Substructure Mini Workshop
Oct. 2020, Virtual (LHC EW Working Group Jets and EW Bosons).
Co-organizer: James Mulligan

Snowmass Computational Frontier Workshop
August 2020, Virtual.
Co-organizers: Oli Gutsche and Steve Gottlieb

Anomaly Detection
July 2020, Hamburg (Virtual).
Co-organizers: G. Kasieczka and D. Shih.

Machine Learning for Particle Physics
May 2020, Mainz, Germany.
Co-organizers: T. Plehn, D. Shih, J. Thaler, B. Stefanek.

Jan. 2020, NYC.
Co-organizers: K. Cranmer, S. Macaluso, M. Pierini, T. Plehn, J. Thaler.

Bay Area Likelihood-Free Inference Meeting
Dec. 2019, Berkeley.
Co-organizers: C. Hahn, F. Lanusse, P. Marshall.

The Energy Frontier Beyond LHC Run 2
Fall 2019, Aspen.
Co-coordinators: Anson Hook, Zhen Liu, and Jessie Shelton.

Physics at TeV Colliders: SM and Higgs
June 2019, Les Houches.
Co-jet-convener: Simone Marzani.

Physics in Machine Learning
May 2019, Berkeley.

QCD sessions, LHCP 2019
May 2019, Mexico.
Co-coordinators: Peter Christiansen, Murilo Rangle, Emanuele Re, and Gabor Veres.

Post run 2 workshop on radiation effects in the LHC experiments
February 2019, CERN.

ATLAS Hadronic Final State Forum 2018
December 2018, Berkeley.

NorCal HEP-EXchange
December 2018, Berkeley.
Co-organizers: L. Tompkins, J. Nielsen, R. Erbacher, J. Lin.

Machine Learning for Jet Physics 2018
November 2018, Fermilab.
Co-chair: S. Gleyzer; LPC Committee Chairs: G. Benelli and B. Kreis.

Radiation effects at the LHC experiments and impact on operation and performance
April 2018, CERN.
Co-organizers: C. Barth, E. Butz, M. van Beuzekom, J. Buytaert, M. Bomben, P. Collins, I. Dawson, S. Mallows, M. Moll, A. Mucha, B. Nachman, A. Rozanov.

Machine learning for phenomenology
April 2018, IPPP Durham.
Co-organizers: J. Bendavid, F. Krauss, D. Maitre, M. Spannowsky.

Machine Learning for Jet Physics
December 2017, LBNL.
Co-organizers: T. Cohen, M. Dolan, K. Cranmer.

NorCal HEP-EXchange
December 2017, Stanford University.
Co-organizer: L. Tompkins.

LHC-experiment radiation damage workshop
November 2017, CERN.
Co-organizers: M. Bomben, I. Dawson, C. Barth, P. Collins, K. Akiba, G. Casse, G. Kramberger, M. Moll.

EFI Data Analytics for Physics, ML Session
October 2017, University of Chicago.
Co-organizer: Joakim Olsson.